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Back to School

It might seem unbelievable, but summer is almost at an end! Soon, children will be back in their classrooms ready to learn for the new school year. As for the parents, they have a million things on their mind.

Before your kids start school again, what are some things you need to check? Here is a handy list of five things you should do to get ready for the start of school.

  1. Buy School Supplies

This one is pretty obvious. Before your kids start school, they need to be stocked up on all their supplies! Thankfully, most stores are running specials this time of year, which means you can find school supplies galore for affordable prices. If you need some help figuring out what to buy, many schools send out a checklist for parents to consult. If your school does not, then you can check out one of the many helpful checklists online.

School supply needs will differ depending on your child’s age, but in general, you should make sure they have a backpack, lunch box, water bottle, binder, and plenty of notebooks and pencils.

  1. Get Everyone Back on Schedule

Summer can be a chaotic time. Whether your kids have been attending camps or group activities, they likely have had a bit more leeway now that school nights are a thing of the past. With all the excitement, it’s no wonder that bedtimes have been pushed back a bit, while wake-up times have also gotten later. With the sunset later than ever and tons of things to do, no kid wants to go to bed.

But with a few weeks to go before school starts, now is the perfect time to start adjusting everyone’s sleep schedule. You can begin by just pushing it back a bit or instituting a mandatory “quiet time” starting at eight or nine o’clock.

  1. Get Everyone Up-to-date on Medical Needs

Many schools require school physicals to participate in sports and annual vaccinations to attend class. The end of summer is the perfect time to schedule these appointments. Knock them all out at the end of the summer before the school year starts so that your kids are ready on their first day.

It’s also the perfect time to schedule their dental cleaning. Your children should visit the dentist twice a year. The end of the summer is the ideal time, while you’re getting all the other medical appointments out of the way.

This also gives us the chance to evaluate your children’s individual dental needs. If your kids are nearing the age where they might need braces, we can review their need and make a recommendation for an orthodontist before the school year gets underway.

There are many things to do to get ready for school, and it may seem overwhelming! But don’t worry — knock out the essentials to make sure your kids are ready for the first day of school. Then join all the other parents in breathing a sigh of relief.

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