Times are different, and we have implemented numerous changes to protect patients and staff.
- All patients are being asked pre-screening questions about Covid-19 prior to making an appointment.
- These questions will be reviewed again upon arrival at the office.
- Patients deemed to be higher risk will be advised to defer treatment.
- Fewer patients will be seen on a daily basis to allow for physical distancing, as more time will be allocated between patients to allow for more stringent disinfection procedures.
- It will be important to be on time for your appointment to allow for proper patient distancing – you may be asked to stay in your car until staff are ready to see you.
- Reception area seating is extremely limited and to further limit exposure to staff other attendees may be required to wait in their car.
- Please bring and wear your own mask into the office.
- Patient billings and payments will be performed with minimal physical contact.
- Plexiglass barriers are in place between the reception staff and patients.
- Staff will be wearing masks and sometimes face-shields.
- All magazines, toys, etc. have been removed.
- Masks/face shields will be routinely used.
- Our use of the rubber dam will continue.
- Gowns will be used for certain clinical procedures.