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10 Ways How NOT Flossing
Can Harm Your Health

Chances are, you've heard (over and over... and over again!) that you should floss your teeth. We know it's important for our oral health. Yet so few people actually do floss.

So you know it's important and beneficial, blah, blah blah... so instead of going over all that (again!), let's explore some of the consequences that could happen from not flossing.

Here are 10 potential issues that you could be putting yourself at risk by not flossing regularly:

  1. Increased Risk of Gum Disease: Not flossing can contribute to the buildup of plaque and bacteria between teeth and along the gumline. This can lead to gingivitis and, if left untreated, progress to more severe gum disease (periodontitis).
  2. Bad Breath: The accumulation of food particles and bacteria between teeth can contribute to bad breath. Flossing helps remove these particles and reduces the likelihood of halitosis.
  3. Cavities Between Teeth: Cavities are more likely to form between teeth when dental floss isn't used regularly. This is because brushing alone may not effectively clean these interdental spaces.
  4. Tooth Loss: Untreated gum disease can lead to the loss of teeth over time. The infection and inflammation associated with advanced periodontitis can damage the supporting structures of the teeth.
  5. Systemic Health Risks: Poor oral health, including the neglect of flossing, has been linked to certain systemic health issues. There is some evidence suggesting a connection between gum disease and conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
  6. Costly Dental Treatments: Neglecting flossing may lead to more extensive dental problems, resulting in the need for costly treatments such as deep cleanings, root canals, or tooth extractions.
  7. Staining Between Teeth: Not flossing can contribute to the accumulation of plaque and stains between teeth, affecting the overall appearance of the smile.
  8. Inflammation and Swelling: Without regular flossing, gums may become inflamed and swollen. This can lead to discomfort and bleeding during brushing.
  9. Shortened Lifespan of Dental Work: Dental work such as crowns, bridges, and implants may have a shorter lifespan if oral hygiene, including flossing, is neglected. Plaque and bacteria can contribute to the breakdown of dental restorations.
  10. Missed Cleaning Opportunity: Flossing is a crucial part of a complete oral hygiene routine. Neglecting this step means missing an opportunity to thoroughly clean the spaces between teeth where toothbrushes cannot reach effectively.

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