
302-1001 Cloverdale Ave. Victoria BC, V8X 4C9

Opening Hours : Monday to Wednesday - 8am to 4pm | Thursdays - 8am to 2pm
  Contact : 250-386-3624

Truth and Reconciliation:
A Path to Community Healing in Victoria

In the heart of Victoria, British Columbia, our dental clinic proudly serves a diverse community, where individuals from all walks of life seek dental care. As part of this vibrant community, we recognize the importance of acknowledging our nation's history and working toward reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. In this article, we delve into the vital topic of truth and reconciliation and its relevance to our dental clinic and the broader community in Victoria.

Understanding Truth and Reconciliation

Truth and reconciliation is a multifaceted process aimed at addressing the historical injustices faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada. It involves acknowledging the truths of our past, particularly the injustices suffered by Indigenous communities due to colonial policies, such as the residential school system and the dispossession of ancestral lands.

Victoria, situated on the traditional lands of the Coast Salish peoples, including the Lekwungen (Songhees) and Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) Nations, has a unique connection to the history and ongoing journey of truth and reconciliation.

The Dental Community's Role

As healthcare providers in Victoria, BC, the dental community has a significant role to play in the truth and reconciliation process. We must recognize that access to dental care is not always equitable, and disparities exist among different communities, including Indigenous populations.

To contribute to reconciliation, our dental clinic is committed to:

Cultural Sensitivity:

We ensure that our staff is trained to be culturally sensitive and aware of the unique healthcare needs and experiences of Indigenous patients. We respect cultural practices and traditions, creating a welcoming environment for all.


We work to make dental care accessible to everyone in our community, including those facing financial barriers. This includes collaborating with Indigenous organizations to provide dental services and education in underserved areas.


We engage in ongoing education about Indigenous history, culture, and healthcare disparities. This knowledge helps us provide better care and fosters understanding among our team and patients.

Community Engagement:

We actively engage with local Indigenous communities and organizations to build partnerships and better understand their needs. This helps us tailor our services to be more responsive to the community we serve.

Reconciliation in Action

The path to reconciliation involves more than just words; it requires action. Our clinic is proud to participate in initiatives that promote truth and reconciliation. This includes supporting local Indigenous health programs, participating in cultural events, and advocating for equitable healthcare policies.

Moreover, we encourage our patients and the broader Victoria community to join us on this journey. By acknowledging the truth of our shared history and working together toward reconciliation, we can build a stronger, more inclusive community.


As a dental clinic in Victoria, BC, we are committed to the principles of truth and reconciliation. By embracing cultural sensitivity, accessibility, education, and community engagement, we strive to contribute to the healing and betterment of our diverse community.

Victoria's rich Indigenous heritage reminds us that reconciliation is not an abstract concept but a living reality. We invite our patients and fellow community members to join us in this important journey, forging a path towards a more just, inclusive, and healthier future for all.

In the spirit of reconciliation, together we can create a brighter and more equitable future for Victoria, BC, and for Canada as a whole.

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